Traditional methods of reducing cholesterol. Guggulipid Chewing Gum

Traditional dietary supplements (BAA) and nutritional supplements used in hyperlipidemia (HLP) include foods that should reduce the production of lipids in the liver, such as artichoke extract (Cynara scolumus), garlic, polycosanol, and red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus).

The products that should reduce lipid absorption include stanols and sterols, chitosan, barley, psyllium, and oat bran. In addition, the effects of fish oil, DHA, EPA, and soy are studied in clinical studies. The following describes the effects of Guggulipid (Commiphora guggul) chewing gum containing myrrh tree resin extract and policosanol.

Chewing gum Guggulipid. This chewing gum has been used in ayurvedic medicine for a long time.

In the first randomized controlled study of Guggulipid chewing gum in the United States, in which 103 volunteers with HCS used 1000-2000 mg of Guggulipid chewing gum containing 2.5% guggulsterones, no improvement in the lipid profile was observed. A small number of study participants recorded a rash associated with hypersensitivity to the drug.

The effects of Guggulipid chewing gum on HDL were mixed. The standard dose of guggulsteron 75-150 mg is given in the form of a chewing gum Guggulipid 1000-2000 mg 2-3 times a day. Guggulipid chewing gum can cause abnormalities in the digestive tract, headache, nausea, vomiting, hiccups and rash.

Simultaneous intake per os of this chewing gum and preparations of propranolol and diltiazem may help to reduce their bioavailability and effectiveness. Guggulipid chewing gum can also have anti-platelet and anticoagulant effects. Data on the safety and efficacy of its use against the background of the western type of nutrition is not enough.

Policosanol Policosanol is extracted from cane sugar extract or wheat germ oil. It is a mixture of aliphatic alcohols. Hypolyidemic effects may include inhibition of cholesterol synthesis in the liver and an increase in LDL cleavage.

In 15 randomized, placebo-controlled studies of the efficacy of policosanol at a dose of 5–20 mg / day for a period of 6 weeks to 1 year,> 1,000 patients took part.

When using policosanol at a dose of 10–20 mg / day, a significant decrease in cholesterol levels (17–21%) and LDL (21–29%) with an increase in cholesterol level (8–15%) is observed. There is no data on the effect on endpoints.

Although, in general, policosanol is well tolerated, caution is needed when it is combined with antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, including preparations of garlic, ginkgo biloba and high doses of vitamin E, since it has been proven that policosanol inhibits platelet aggregation in both healthy individuals and patients with various diseases.

Independent verification of its effectiveness is necessary for the widespread introduction of policosanol into clinical practice.

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