Foreign bodies of the stomach

Foreign bodies of the stomach are foreign bodies that invade the lumen of the stomach through the esophagus or through a wound, as well as parasites. The foreign body of the stomach may be a calculus formed in the body, phytobesoar .

Clinic of a foreign body of the stomach

A foreign body lingered in the stomach may not cause any pain for some time. A non-acute foreign body remains in the stomach for a very long time (years) and, gradually overgrowing with mucus and small food inclusions, having reached a considerable size, manifests itself as a violation of the evacuation from the stomach. Pointed foreign bodies damage the mucous membrane and underlying tissues, cause ulceration, hemorrhage, secondary infection with the development of phlegmon, perforation, peritonitis.

Diagnosis of a foreign body of the stomach

The diagnosis of a foreign body of the stomach is based on anamnesis and is confirmed radiologically and endoscopically . X -ray contrast foreign bodies (needles, nails, nuts, screws, etc.) are most easily recognized by X-ray . The question of the presence or absence of such a kind of foreign bodies in the stomach can be resolved by fluoroscopy. To clarify the position of foreign bodies, their amount, displacement , as well as to determine non-contrasting foreign bodies (various berries, phyto-, trichobesoars , roundworms, etc.), one has to resort to the study of the stomach using a contrast medium. When detecting foreign bodies of the stomach, the task of the radiologist is to track their future fate, since therapeutic tactics depend on this. If you suspect a foreign body of the stomach before radiological examination, it is strictly forbidden to take laxatives and emetics to avoid possible damage to the gastric wall by the foreign body at the time of vomiting or active peristaltic contractions. Endoscopic examination allows you to determine the localization of a foreign body, the size and its effect on the mucous membrane.

Erosive gastritis

Erosive gastritis is one of the most common causes of gastrointestinal bleeding, which is usually minor. Clinical symptoms are often absent. The disease can be combined with other forms of gastritis. At the same time, erosion may develop without previous damage to the gastric mucosa in stressful situations, when taking acetylsalicylic acid, glucocorticoids or as a result of a disturbance in the blood supply to the stomach. Erosion, as a rule, are multiple. The diagnosis is made by gastroscopy. Usually, with this disease, gastric secretion is increased, therefore, patients are prescribed antacids , and sometimes H2-histamine receptor blockers. It should be borne in mind that erosive gastritis in some cases is prone to recurrent course.

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