Criteria for a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD)

Criteria for a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD)

Primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) is indisputable for public health. Given the prevalence of this disease, preventing even a small number of cardiovascular events (SSSob) will save thousands of lives, avoid countless suffering, and save billions of dollars from the money spent on health care.

In addition, measures that can prevent coronary heart disease (CHD) can reduce the risk of other manifestations of atherosclerosis – stroke, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and also affect hypertension, diabetes, cognitive function, cancer, depression and other chronic conditions . Due to the fact that cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have become “the number one killer” in the world, the use of large-scale preventive strategies should become the main objective of health care in developed and developing countries.

The constant accumulation of knowledge about the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and the understanding of the relationship between lifestyle, biochemical and genetic factors and heart disease have contributed to a significant decrease in age-corrected cardiovascular mortality. The first step to prevention is the recognition of these factors as predictors of a likely atherosclerotic event. Based on risk factors (RF), scales were developed for assessing the individual risk of cardiovascular events (SSSob).

However, the disease prevention process should continue after assessing the likelihood of future events and consists in identifying an intervention that will reduce the risk. Once the studies have correlated the benefits of interventions with their risk and cost, appropriate guidelines can be developed for health care organizers.

Guidelines have been developed for the prevention of individual risk factors (RF), which ensured successful screening and modification of several major risk factors (RF): smoking, dyslipidemia (DLP), and arterial hypertension (AH). However, the implementation and integration of these guidelines remains a difficult task. The large volume and complexity of the presentation of materials in these manuals make it difficult to use them. The lack of time for doctors to act according to the recommendations is an additional barrier: only cardiovascular preventive measures recommended by the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force) will take the clinician at least 1.5 hours a day. The lack of appropriate remuneration also limits the use of certain preventive interventions.

The articles on the site used a new approach to the determination of risk factors (RF) in order to simplify the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). First, various types of DF and methods of using information about them in clinical practice will be discussed. It then proposes a simple approach to using RF as predictors of risk. Then follows a description of a specific sequence of preventive interventions, which are divided into three categories.

After that, this article will describe potentially modifiable risk factors (RF) and interventions, provide information on their prevalence, associated risk, benefits and costs of treatment, as well as recommendations for each RF and multifactor intervention strategies.

When cardiovascular diseases (CVD) became the dominant chronic diseases in economically developed countries, this phenomenon was regarded as a natural consequence of the aging population. In most cases, CVDs are mainly diseases of anthropogenic origin, i.e. largely dependent on a person’s lifestyle. Over the past 50 years, great progress has been made in identifying many CVDs due to lifestyle and biochemical and genetic factors, as well as in disseminating this information among the population.

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