Treatment of acute gastritis, gastroenteritis

Treatment with an alimentary form is reduced to the appointment of bed rest, a water-tea diet, after which the child receives easily digestible food with a restriction of fats and fiber (tea with breadcrumbs, mashed soups and cereals, jelly, etc.) and is transferred to a few days later general diet. In case of incomplete emptying of the stomach, it is advisable to begin treatment with washing it with warm water. With the appearance of loose stool, a laxative is prescribed.
In severe alimentary forms of acute gastritis, after obligatory gastric lavage in these cases, a tea and water diet should be prescribed for 18-24 hours. Vomiting stops faster after intramuscular administration of chlorpromazine (1 to 2 mg / kg body weight per day). With a sharp dehydration, it is advisable to drip intravenous administration of isotonic solutions of sodium chloride and glucose, as well as blood plasma. The appointment of corticosteroids helps to reduce toxicosis; according to indications, cordiamine, caffeine are injected subcutaneously, strophanthin or korglikon are added to the infusion fluid . Subsequent expansion of the diet is carried out more carefully than with a mild alimentary form of acute gastritis, since unreasonably early or irrational nutrition can worsen the condition of a sick child and cause persistent digestion with prolonged anorexia, emaciation, decreased reactivity, etc. Treatment for toxic infectious form of the disease depends on the degree of toxicity and differs from treatment of acute gastritis alimentary form only purpose antibacterial Terapii.pri Salmonella current ikoinfektsii effective chloramphenicol succinate , gentamicin, kanamycin , polymyxin M, Biseptolum. With moderate severity and severe course of the disease, the combined use of several antibiotics is shown (taking into account the sensitivity of flora to them). This applies equally to staphylococcal toxic infectious gastroenteritis, in which also prescribed zeporin , oxacillin, antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin. It is also necessary to prescribe vitamins, especially group B, as well as stimulants – blood plasma, γ-globulin, pentoxyl , etc.

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