How the Cardiovascular System Works

In what condition are our veins, arteries and capillaries, in this state we are also. Each organ and system has its own resource. Once healthy vessels become clogged, they are deposited salts, cholesterol plaques appear, as the result of which is, not only damaged the wall of the vessels themselves, but also to the taphole blood. The load on the heart increases, and it gradually wears out.

The consequences are the most sad – atherosclerosis, tri ombas leading to heart attacks and strokes, hypertension, arrhythmia, etc. But do not despair and despair: the heart, blood vessels and blood can be cleansed, restored to them a lost safety margin, prolong their normal work for another long years. How? Regular cleaning procedures.

The book contains the best methods for cleaning the heart and blood vessels, diluting blood and capillarotherapy, including nowhere else previously printed , but already deserved the highest marks of specialists: treatment with medical leeches and bees, curative starvation, a healing system of ancient yogis and much more.

We do not think about the condition and even the presence of internal organs as long as they work properly. The most important in the complex “computer” of the body is the cardiovascular system (the circulatory system),which feeds oxygen to our tissues and organs.

Pumping the blood should a healthy heart. Uvs , today we often hear the expression “weak heart” when it comes to young people. As a rule, it is they who, in view of their professional activities, live in a state of constant psycho- emotional stress. And if we add here people’s inclination to unrestrained entertainment “non-stop” – it becomes clear how much the cardiovascular system suffers from the frequent release of adrenaline and norepinephrine. It would seem that the bad thing is that the “unaccounted” adrenal is produced in the human organism . On the contrary, we feel more cheerful. But from excessive overexcitation and work in the normal regime, the arterial pressure rises , the stocks of potassium and magnesium ions deplete, arrythmia arises, etc.

Hence the wear of the heart and the contamination of the vessels. It goes without saying that neither a cigarette smoked, a glass of wine , nor a cup of strong coffee, nor “its well” when it comes to morning exercises and an evening walk, are also beneficial to the cardiovascular system . As well as the addiction to the TV, a long “sofa bed” and excessively satisfying food.

What usually is the prehistory of such catastrophes of our organism as arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction? Tested stress, after which we did not allow the body to fully recover.And here we mean not only a qualitative rest, but also a sufficient restoration of the level of potassium and magnesium ions in the blood . The relentless observation that the proper balance of these substances is maintained in the body is one of the cornerstones of humane treatment of the cardiovascular system. And here, by the way, it ‘s not just to eat foods that contain a lot of magnesium and potassium. It is important not to abuse foods,supersaturated fats, proteins, calcium and phosphorus (of course, we are not talking about abandoning these substances in principle, and this is not possible). The listed ingredients strongly suppress potassium and magnesium. To cheerfully imbibe such a bias in the diet , you should eat 450 grams of spinach or 200 g of sea kale daily, or constantly take medicines containing potassium and magnesium.

Surely you know the expression “heart failure “, in other words, lack of blood circulation. But does everyone know that it is not only innate, but and acquired due to careless attitude to his cardiovascular system?

The duty of the heart is to pump every hour up to 210 liters of blood. And neglected vessels lose their ability in a normal regime to provide our organs and tissues with the substances they need . It is the purification of blood and blood vessels that is devoted to this book.

Human life is impossible without a permanent circulation of blood in the body. Blood supplies oxygen and nutrients to cells and removes slag , carbon dioxide and cell waste products. The function of the blood movement is performed by the cardiovascular system, which consists of the heart and the cryogenic and lymphatic vessels. A person has a closed circulatory system, that is, blood is only in the vasculature , and its movement is due to the work of the heart.

We will understand the structure and functions of parts of the circulatory system.

A heart

In the textbook of anatomy you could see that the heart ka would be suspended on a bundle of large vessels in the center of the chest, approximately at the level of the location of the third rib.


The volume of the heart usually corresponds to the volume of his master’s fist.

The average parameters of the heart of an adult human are 12-15 cm in length and 9-11 cm in width.

What does the heart consist of? This hollow muscular organ contains four chambers. The heart wall consists of a myocardium (a special muscle tissue) performing a contractile function, and fibers that form the cardiovascular system of the heart. Outside, this organ is covered with a dense membrane – the pericardium. The heart can be divided into two halves – the right and the left. Each of them consists of the atrium and the ventricle. The righthalf pumps venous blood through the lungs, and the left half – arterial (a kis rich in blood) blood throughout the body. The chambers and the output of the heart are separated by valves, which ensure blood flow only in one direction, preventing it from returning. With a contraction of the heart at first, the atria become dyed, while the blood enters the ventricles, and then, when reduced, goes to the small and large circles of the circulation


When we are in a calm state, the heart commits about 60-70 beats per minute. The days of “quiet” life are identical to those thousands of heart beats (that is, 13-25 thousand yachts liters pumped to rye), and a month to three million.

Consider the work of the right heart. Venous blood from the whole body returns in the right atrium along two large veins. Then the blood enters the right ventricle, and from there – into the lungs (a small circle of blood circulation), where carbon dioxide is removed and the blood is enriched with oxygen. Then, through the lungs, the blood returns to the heart, along the four veins it flows into the right atrium, then into the ventricle and is pushed into the aorta, where the movement of blood throughout the body begins .

In other words, the heart is the engine that provides the movement of blood through the body . This is just one of the muscles, which really resembles the engine by the presence of two valve pumps (right and left). Another difference between the heart muscle and the skeletal muscle is its belted system of blood vessels (or vessels), because the heart requires twice as much blood flow. By the way, the names of coronary vessels consume a tenth of all blood moving to the arterial bed from the left ventricle. Atria and ventricles are communicated by means of openings, which are opened and closed by valves. Exactly the same valves cut off the ventricles from arterial beds .

Can the heart not work, that is, be at rest? Can. The period of systole (contraction) of the atria and ventricles alternates with a diastole, a relaxation of the heart muscle. During diastole, the blood is sent from the veins to the atrium, then, when the atria contract, it enters the ventricles, which are still relaxed. Thus , the time of systole and diastole of the ventricles and atria is different.

The continuous rhythm of the work of the heart keeps the blessings of an end to the sinus node. Of course, the heart muscle itself functions automatically , that is, it is reduced due to self-occurrence of bioelectric impulses in it. It is the sinus node located in the right atrium that is the place where these impulses originate. Following them, the heart muscle begins to contract. If the heart is healthy, the average frequency of its contractions is 60 beats per minute. Accordingly , the functions of the sinus node are disrupted, the amount of blood it receives (in combination with oxygen and nutrients ) should be reduced. It turns out that the pr and poor nutrition of the function of the sinus node and the heart system, through which nerve impulses are transmitted to the atria and ventricles, are violated. As a consequence – paroxysmal tachycardia, various atrioventricular blockades and other types of arrhythmia.


It’s hard to believe, but in the working capacity of the human heart lies a huge potential but is designed to work without failures for 90-100 years! If you also support it, then this period increases by 40 years .

Now you know how the heart works – the most important muscle in the body.


In addition to the heart, the circulatory system includes cranial vessels – veins and arteries , which are connected by a capillary network.

Vessels differ in structure. In the walls of the artery there are more muscle fibers and elastic tissue to maintain normal arterial pressure in the body. The special feature of veins is that they have valves that prevent reverse current blood. A common quality for all blood vessels is the inner layer (intima), imparting the inner wall of all vessels smoothness for better blood flow.

Thanks to the “crimson rivers” in our body, there are tons of continuous movement of blood in the vessels, and there is a full (or in the case of abolevaniya vessels – not quite) the power of each of our cells, because it is through the blood, through its movement and carried etsya coordinated work of all organism, all organs and tissues in unison.

But the exchange of substances and gases between cells and blood occurs through the smallest vessels called capillaries. They filigree all the human body (this explains the fact that we have, for example, the blood from thefinger, even if we do not hurt at all with a needle). It is impossible to see capillary sap without a microscope, they are thinner than a human hair, and their walls consist of only a few cells.


The total length of all capillary vessels of one person, be they extended in a continuous line, would be about 80 thousand kilometers!

In other words, capillary vessels are the ” life-long” of our body, through which blood, oxygen, nutrients and mineral salts are delivered to the cells by blood flow , while the decay products are washed out.

In the diet of the body through the blood stream, a strict balance must be observed . To all cells, without exception, the blood must supply the right amount of vital substances. And to completely remove the decay products.And wherever it is important that there is not a single “weak link” in the body , after getting into the affected organ, the blood will get sick of this disease further. Faced with obstacles in the form of damage to the arteries, veins and capillaries, blood “stalled” in the vessels, and they are afflicted, provoking diseases of other organs, especially the heart. Consequently, purification of the cardiovascular system begins with the purification of blood and blood vessels, first of all – the capillaries.

How does the human heart and capillary vessels interact ? The power of the heart, no matter what “fiery motor” it is, in fact, is not enough to give blood flowing through the arteries, a push of the right force, capable of delivering blood to the capillaries. However, the blood enters the capillary , moreover, then it moves back, getting into the veins.

Schematically, the blood flow can be depicted as follows: from the heart, blood is directed to the arteries (imagine them in the form of stretching and expanding tubes). Arteries trans port it to the capillaries. Having been there, the blood enters the veins (imagine them in the form of suction tubes) and through them – again into the heart. It turns out that the cardiac output is designed to “push” the blood from the arteries to the capillaries.Why are the capillaries sick? Let’s start with the fact that the capillaries in our body are the sector most susceptible to the harmful effects of products of decay. All that is included in the concept of “unhealthy way of life”, in practice, would very quickly lead to a decrease in the penetration of blood vessels to their full blockage. And, if one of our organs is sick, first of all it is a sign that the capillaries are ill with us . And the fact that the blood cannot be conveyed to a certain cell of the body means that soon the cells that have remained without adequate nutrition will die off, overloading the orgasm with the decay products that will accumulate inside us in dangerous quantities.

However, not only capillaries can get sick. Not infrequently, the history of the heart disease of the cardiovascular system is damaged by the internal shell of the arteries.

Imagine that small atheromatous plaques appear on the walls of arterial vessels . Over time, there will be more, and they will increase in size.

It will take some time, and the inner shell of the artery will resemble a dry, cracked earth. As a result, the blood will cease to flow into some “harbor” of our body. In other words, one or more internal organs will begin to testthe blood supply deficit. And the more noticeable these obstacles will be “pushed” into our bloodstream , the more significant will be the pressure rises. But this is only the beginning. Over time, thrombi will begin to form in the arteries, which, expanding, can completely cover the vessel and lead to a heart attack. After all, what thicket does everything in the body, when doctors detect a heart attack? The thrombus hangs on the inner wall of the artery on the stalk like a parasitic fungus. It is clear that, carrying such a grain on its own , the artery works with great difficulty. At some point, the overstrain of the artery reaches a critical point, the thrombus breaks away from the vessel and, like a lethal pool , carried away by the bloodstream, rushes along the channel of the vessel. And when finally the clot is in a narrow space and SAG tre Vaeth it can occur death.

It is interesting that in men, blood vessels are clogged much more quickly, in addition, at a younger age. Women are lucky here – right up to the beginning of the climax, they develop a hormone that inhibits the clogging of blood vessels. Ks tati, women here in some way took care of men and in microdoses transmit this hormone to me in the process of intimate contact. Consequently, even regular marital life is beneficial for the purification of the cardiovascular system.

So, we summarize what was said. In what condition are the vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries), in this state we are also. But all the body and system has its own resource. Vessels become clogged, salts are deposited in them, cholesterol plaques grow, the walls and blood cells are damaged. The load is increasing and the heart – pumping blood to the organs and tissues through bad, “clogged” blood vessels is becoming increasingly difficult.There is such a thing as general peripheral resistance from convictions. Probably everyone understands that when the liquid moves through smaller diameter tubes , more force is required from the “pump” side. With persistent increased stress, the heart wears out, and the heart muscle degenerates.

The consequences of clogging of vessels are the most sad – atherosclerosis, blood clots, in going to heart attacks and strokes, hypertension, arrhythmias and other diseases of the heart and vessels, as well as worsening of the work of all internal organs and the central nervous system.


In middle age, etc. otsessy thinking, memory and ability to learn new knowledge deteriorate. Frequently this is only due to the lack of nutrition and oxygen, which the brain receives less in connection with the “clogged” vessels.

But do not give up and despair – the heart, blood vessels and blood can be cleaned, return them a lost safety margin and prolong normal work for many years to come.


What is blood? It is a vital thick viscous liquid of bright red color.

It is constantly in motion, circulating through the closed system of our blood-


Why is it red, not blue, like princes and princesses from fairy tales? The reason for her color – a substance that is called hemoglobin. It is they who are filled with erythrocyte cells. In other words, red blood cells are red blood cells, and leukocytes are white.

The average blood volume in an adult is about 65 to 80 ml per 1 kg of body weight, in a child – from 8 to 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight. 55% of the blood consists of liquid plasmas , 4% of the “thick” cell mass.

Blood is a “vehicle”, on which absolutely all substances within our body move . That is why, on the second day, it is so important to start its general cleaning with the purification of blood and blood vessels. Unceasingly circulating, the blood supplies the tissues of our internal organs with oxygen and nutrients.

And it also helps to move to the “outlet” to all waste of our life. Therefore, reading the book further, you will understand why both traditional medical practitioners and traditional healers demand that we first of all clean our large intestine properly , from which blood “draws” toxins, slags, etc. into our bodies.

Think about it – by entering into any sick internal organ, the blood absorbs its “sores” and carries them further through the body. Meanwhile, only a healthy immune system of blood can protect us from viruses that are especially rampant in late spring and early autumn, all sorts of bacteria, food allergens and toxins , not to mention that only healthy blood can prevent the appearance and growth of an organ nism of malignant cells. In short, if the blood is unhealthy – there can be no question of the normal functioning of the whole organism. After all, having it is good , healthy immunity means that our body can easily have a pob To go to illness without the help of copper kametoznyh means, abuse of which, by the way, also destroys the immunity of blood. Even from the artistic Russian literature, we know that our ancestors attached great importance to the procedure of bloodletting, rightly assuming that it is extremely important for the purification of the circulatory system. If suddenly a deaf, prolonged headache starts , a heaviness in the liver, an ache in the lower back and joints, the doctor obliged the patient to leeches, and they soon restored the broken blood circulation.

Why the blood vessels become dirty

You already know that in order to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, you need to monitor the balance in the body of potassium and magnesium, which are actively competed with animal fats, rich in cholesterol, most of which in meat products.

Cholesterol is the slag from which we will have to purify the heart, blood vessels and blood.

Harm and benefit of cholesterol

To cholesterol the attitude is twofold. On one side , an excess of this substance often leads to atherosclerosis, and an increase in cholesterol levels is noted for obesity, diabetes, gout, hypertension and certain liver diseases.

On the other hand, cholesterol is an indispensable substance in the body: it participates in the synthesis of bile acids (during digestion ) and is the basis for the formation of corticosteroids, sex hormones and vitamin D, which regulates calcium metabolism. It is also a part of cell membranes , that is, it forms a “skeleton” for every cell in the body. Useful cholesterol is, in fact, the “handy” building element of the cells of our body.


Normally, the human body contains up to 0.2% (140-180 g) of cholesterol from the total body weight.

In human plasma, cholesterol is found in the lipoprotein complexes (lipo proteids). Low-density lipoproteins ( LDL) are isolated – in plasma up to 70-80%, and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) – up to 20-24 %. An increase in the level of LDL is a risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of gallstones. HDL, on the contrary, have an anti-atherogenic effect.

Today, people who realize that health is really our main wealth, ensuring the inflow of any other wealth, try not only to eat right, but also to control the level of cholesterol in the blood. For this, it is sufficient to conduct a special blood test every six months. The grounds for referring to a doctor will appear, if suddenly it turns out that the level of “harmful” cholesterol in your body exceeded 4 mmol / l. And, if the indicators are not very depressing, doctors pre write to you for prevention of a special anti-sclerotic diet. Otherwise you will have to undergo medical treatment ment treatment. Or apply any of the techniques described in this book.

One of the causes of the violation of cholesterol metabolism is the excessive intake of cholesterol (LDL) with food. Alimentary, or nutritious, hypercholesterolemia occurs when consuming a large amount of food rich in protein and (eggs, caviar, liver, animal fats). Such a diet, more characteristic of residents of countries with a high level of development, and leads to atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol is produced in the body, and itself, especially with the help of alkogol and nicotine , which provokes the constriction of blood vessels (when, for example, we “smoked”, having spent the night at the computer, and feel as if our head compresses the head ). Thus, it is impossible to completely “not let” cholesterol into the blood vessels. What then remains to be done ? That’s right, clean them.

What is atherosclerosis

In this article I will use the concept of ” atherogenous plaques.” In the special medical literature, for example in the medical literature, the term “atherosclerotic plaques” is commonly found . This name comes from atherosclerosis – a disease that is rightly considered a “plague” of a modern person, most of all a secured consumer who does not deny himself delicious food and inactive forms of recreation, such as computer games. Atherosclerosis is submissive at all ages: if 5-6 years ago thought about the risk of getting atherosclerosis only by people and middle and old age, now more and more often pathological changes of blood vessels about they become teenagers, and it is from well-to-do families, in which there are all or almost all. “How to be?” – Ask shaken parents. First of all – to think over your diet and diet of your children. After all, the presence of atheromatous plaques in our vessels is not an irreversible process, and with some effort, we can expand the enlightenment in the diseased vessels, and then completely eliminate this infection.

When we talk about a completely healthy body, it is understood that absolutely healthy pure blood freely moves through wide, unoccupied arteries.

If the vessels are affected by atherosclerosis, this means that an overabundance of cholesterol in the body has led to a certain ( tending to constantly increase) amount of lipid deposits on the inner surface of the vessels leading to the development of atherosclerotic plaques. And their appearance is the surest signal of the fact that in the body the exchange of fats was severely violated.

Atherosclerosis is a chronic asteroid disease. It begins with the disruption of lipid metabolism and the deposition of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in the shell lining our vessels from the inside. Initially pho rmiruyutsya atheromatous plaque, then they are the proliferation of connective tissue (sclera Lake) and later joined etsya calcification of the vascular wall. These processes lead to deformation of the vascular wall and a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the vessel until the vessel is fully occluded. Consequently, the blood flow in the relevant organs worsens and their functions are violated.

Symptoms ischemia of different organs can manifest themselves even at a moderate restriction SRI vessels. Most often are affected:

♦ coronary arteries, which leads to the development of ischemic heart disease, up to angina pectoris and myocardial infarction;

♦ cerebral arteries, which causes cerebral ischemia until the stroke;

♦ vessels of the extremities, which leads to intermittent claudication, up to the development of gangrene;

♦ If a similar pattern develops in the renal arteries, then a sharp decrease in renal function is observed , and if in the arteries of the abdominal cavity, then the development of an intestinal infarction is possible .

It is clear that these are extreme options, but nevertheless …

In the late stages of atherosclerosis development there are violations from the coagulating blood system – against the background of already existing plaques and deformation of the vascular wall , microcracks can occur, on which platelet aggregation occurs with the formation of microthrombi. The state of the blood changes to the side of hypercoagulability – an increase in the level of clotting factors contained in the blood, and further increases the capacity for thrombogenesis.

Let’s compare our cardiovascular system with a water tap.

The new, just bought faucet supplies much more water than the tap, which lasted ten years. It is clear that on the walls of the old crane accumulated salt and rust on. With the cardiovascular system, the same thing happens over time . The blood begins to be pumped in a smaller amount, which means that absolutely all our organs also receive a reduced amount of nutrients. But there are also decay products , which are derived from our cells also during the blood circulation . Hence, with a decrease in the effectiveness of blood transfusion, they “get stuck” in us, provoking the emergence of various diseases and pathologies.

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