The benefits of physical training.

The benefits of physical training.

Termination of FA leads to an increased risk of CHD. The absence of large-scale randomized primary prevention studies that have studied the beneficial effects of FA makes it difficult to assess the benefits of FA in reducing the risk of CHD. However, FA clearly demonstrated a beneficial effect on cardiovascular RF. Exercise increases the level of HDL cholesterol, lowers cholesterol LDL and TG, increases insulin sensitivity and lowers blood pressure in people with elevated and normal blood pressure. Exercise also improves endothelial function and reduces CRP levels.

In the secondary prevention of the cardio-rehabilitation program with components of physical exercises, they showed a favorable effect in reducing the follow-ups. Combined data from many studies have revealed a decrease in OS and cardiovascular mortality by 25%.

Recommendations on physical inactivity. The ANA recently issued revised dietary and lifestyle guidelines starting at 2 years of age. They recommend FA> 30 minutes on most days of the week, even if the FA is divided into short periods. In addition, the ANA proposes to draw attention to the need to increase the FA, guided by the principle “it is better to move every day than to be moved”.

Previous ACC / ANA recommendations for secondary prevention also motivated patients to be physically active. Exercise may include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or other aerobic activities for 30–60 minutes on most days of the week, supplemented by increased activity in everyday life, such as climbing the stairs, whenever possible, instead of using an elevator or an escalator Strength training can give an additional favorable effect. Structured exercise programs can reinforce the patient’s long-term commitment to FT.

U.S. recommendations Primary Prevention Surgeon General’s are a great start — every adult should practice 30-minute moderate or intense FA on most days of the week and higher-intensity FA if it is desirable to reduce MT.

From a practical point of view, advice on physical activity (FA) should begin with her buds at the moment, including FA at work and during leisure. If the estimate indicates that FA is less than optimal, then obstacles to an active lifestyle should be examined. Potential obstacles can usually be the lack of time, energy, desire, and also a safe and convenient place to practice. Other barriers include certain medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis or transferred MI. After evaluating the FA, you should follow the advice to increase the cost of calories in everyday life, for example, advice on walking instead of traveling by car. The physician should recommend a steady increase in FA at rest up to> 30 min per day.

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