Endpoints for nutritional studies of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD)

Endpoints for nutritional studies of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD)

There are very few studies that have studied the effect on KBS of only a modified diet. In the Lyon Diet Heart Study, in which 605 patients undergoing myocardial infarction participated, patients were randomized into 2 groups: (1) on a diet of the Mediterranean type; (2) on a typical western diet. After 46 months of follow-up, the risk of cardiovascular death or MI was 65% less in the Mediterranean diet group.

Recommendations for diet. Taking into account the limited research results, it is difficult to answer the patient’s question: “What should I eat to prevent heart disease?” However, based on observational studies, patients should be advised to follow a few general principles that arise from the available data. The basis of an improved diet should be a simple set of rules:

• Total calorie intake must be balanced with energy costs. If body weight (MT) is desirable to reduce, then you need to consume less calories than you spend.
• Avoid simple carbohydrates (sugars and starch) that create a high glycemic load, and replace them with sources of carbohydrates that contain a lot of fiber (whole grains, beans) to slow down the absorption of sugars and reduce the insulin response.
• Maximize the consumption of fruits and vegetables. U.S. The Department of Agriculture recommends 1-2.5 servings of fruit and 1-4 servings of vegetables per day.
• Minimize the consumption of saturated fatty acids and trans fats. Instead, you should choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, whole grains. It is shown that adequate consumption of omega-3 fatty acids reduces the frequency of CVD, especially the sun. The inclusion in the diet of 2-3 servings of fish per week (especially fat) can help prevent cardiovascular events (SSSob).
• Products containing a lot of unhealthy fats should be replaced by sources of proteins containing low saturated fatty acids (FA) or trans fats. It is necessary to limit salt intake, especially to persons with salt-sensitive blood pressure.

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